Tips to Make 2022 Better than 2021, or at least 2019…

Yes, it’s cliché’ but what’s a healthcare organization without healthcare tips for the new year? This year our tips are all about ease. Nothing too hard to do and nothing that costs a ton of money, takes uber amount of energy, or too much thinking. So, here we go:

  1. Drink more water. Too boring? Add slices of fruits and lemon to water in a jug and keep it handy. You can even add seeds like chia, flax, and barley for added hydration and weight loss. In fact, the more water you drink the more your body will want it and soon it will be your norm.
  2. Go on vacation. Take your time that is in your PTO box – stop saving it for a rainy day. Well, save some but you need time to recharge. A vacation whether it’s traveling (safely) or a staycation, your mind, body, and soul will thank you for it. Your employer might too.
  3. Schedule an annual exam appointment. Everyone needs to see their physician every year. Schedule it now. Don’t cancel it. Go to it. It could save your life.
  4. Start planning your meals. Sounds daunting to those who haven’t done it, but once you start you will thank us for this tip. Even if it’s just 2 or 3 meals per week. It’s a saving grace, especially for working moms who get home to kids yelling ‘what’s for dinner?’
  5. Don’t buy processed and junk foods. Instead fill your shopping cart with veggies, protein, nuts, seeds, fruits, eggs, and whole grains that are healthy and quick to prepare.
  6. Pack a bag of veggies. Going to work and bound to get that 3:00 craving? Take some carrots, cauliflower, etc. Even if you need dip, it’s better than eating a bag of chips out of the vending machine.
  7. Stop multitasking. Handle tasks one at a time, otherwise, you may be creating stress for yourself. Not only does multitasking increase your stress level, but it also increases the likelihood of mistakes.
  8. Breathe deeper. A few times a week or even day, focus your awareness on your breathing, making it slower and deeper. When you breathe in deeply through your nose, your lungs fully expand and your belly rises. This helps slow your heart rate, allowing you to feel more peaceful.
  9. Get to bed. When you don’t get enough sleep, you deprive yourself of the ability to easily focus, be in a good mood, plus it can trigger food cravings and inhibit decision-making capability. Get your 8 hours every night and go to bed and rise at the same time daily – even on the weekends. Good sleep hygiene can make you fight more than just crabbiness, it can help keep you healthy too.
  10. Get your vaccines. Such a hot-button topic, but vaccines are one of the best medical advances of the 20th century. From chickenpox to flu to measles to COVID, vaccines protect us from spreading diseases and from dying from preventable diseases. By thousands of us getting vaccinated we create herd immunity which is vital in keeping a population healthy. Talk with your provider and pediatrician about the pros and cons of each vaccine.

We hope your 2022 is filled with great news, good health, and happiness. As always, remember Hamilton is here for you. Let us know what tips you’re going to do in 2022.

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